
Velkommen til åpning av ny utstilling i Trygve Lie Gallery.
Det blir servering av drikke og snacks fra kl 18.00.
Velkommen til en hyggelig kveld i Trygve Lie Gallery.

About the artist:
Henrik Nordahl (b.1992) is a multidisciplinary artist from Norway whose work explores the ‘life’ of the non-human by turning a seemingly prosaic object or material with a distinct backstory into something formally unassuming but implacably charged. Central to Nordahl’s creative process is what he refers to as a ‘collaboration’ with the materials which he engages. It is a process-led experimentation informed by a material’s behavior and responsiveness to processes inspired by natural occurrences like; decay, heat, moisture, wear and tear, growth and chemical reactions.

Henrik Nordahl earned his BFA in Graphic Design & Illustration from Oslo National Academy Of The Arts in 2017. In 2023 Nordahl graduated from Parsons in New York with an MFA in Fine Arts.

Website: https://henriknordahl.com
Instagram: @nordahl.works

Fredag 23. februar kl. 18 inviterer vi deg som har vært frivillig det siste året til fest! Takk for godt samarbeid og ditt engasjement i året som har gått!

Send en epost HER om du ønsker å komme :)

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