Årsmøte / Annual Meeting

This meeting is open to Members as well as Friends of the Church. However, only Members in good standing are eligible to vote. To be a member, minimum dues must be paid, in accordance with the scale set by the Board of Trustees.

  1. The Annual Operating Report 2022
    Pastor Geir Øy will present some of the key-points of this

  2. The Audited Financial Report 2022
    Stephen Ketcham, the Church’s CPA, will present the financial report.

  3. Election of Trustees
    Inger Tallaksen, Chairman of the Board, will present the Nominating Committee’s slate of candidates to be elected to the Board of Trustees to serve for a three-year period.

    Members of the Nominating Committee: Hege Barnes, Chair  – Ivar Eilertsen – Ewa Staworzynska – Geir Øy - Inger Tallaksen, Ex Officio

    Proposals for candidates to the board must be forwarded to Pastor Øy no later than April 20.

  4. Election of Church’s Auditor
    Ketcham and Associates, LLC (Stephen D. Ketcham, CPA), nominated for re-election for the year 2023.

  5. Other matters:
    Open to members of the Congregation who may want to propose issues for discussion.


Inger M. Tallaksen
Chairman, Board of Trustees

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